Mummmy calm down boy bags Endorsement deal inAbuja The 4 yearrs old Nigerian boy Oreofeoluwa Lawal-Babalola, who went viral in a recent video, begging his mother to Calm Down and rest a little, has bagged an endorsement deal with an Abuja-based real estate outfit, T Pumpy Concept Limited. The kid went viral online where he was convincing his mother to calm down a dramatic manner so that he can rest a while is now a brand new ambassador of Abuja- based real estate outfit T pumpy concept limited Before Oreofeoluwa’s signed the two-years contract at the company headquarter in Abuja, the MD/CEO of T Pumpy Concept Limited, Mr. Akintayo Adaralegbe, said he was amazed by the boy’s courage and boldness during the conversation with his mum in the viral video. The moral lesson here is, no matter how hot you are please "CALM DOWN" The kid was courageous, and bold even in the amid of such situation he still picked courage to tell his mother to calm down When checked ...